
Connections: The 46th Annual ODU 文学节


“After all, I absorb the world around me, and that’s changing all the time. 就像上次我们见面时我身体里的水现在都被新的水取代了, the things that make up me have changed too.”
— Sayaka Murata

在一个技术进步似乎挑战写作和艺术本质的时代, 我们聚集在一起,重新连接并重申创造和体验书面文字的变革和深刻的人类行为. 写作或阅读, 表演或观看, we reach beyond ourselves and in that process are forever changed. Join us for the 46th Annual ODU 文学节, 当我们赞美诗人的时候, novelists, memoirists, actors, 导演和所有讲述故事的人,这些故事将我们联系在一起,改变了我们理解自己和世界的方式.

Dr. Luisa A. 伊格洛里亚和肯特·沃斯科姆

All events are free and open to the community!


了解更多信息, 请联系最靠谱的网赌软件英语系(757)683 -3991或电子邮件 mfagpdassistant@pulounge.com.

Follow the 文学节 on Facebook @ODULitFest and on Instagram @olddominionmfa

46th Annual ODU 文学节 Schedule

All events are in 大学剧院 unless indicated otherwise. Follow the 文学节 on Facebook: @ODULitFest

4 p.m.、开幕酒会

The Green Onion Restaurant, 1603 Colley Avenue


12:00 p.m. Chauna Craig & Jerri Dickseski奖颁奖典礼

Chauna Craig 她的故事和散文发表在许多选集和文学期刊上,包括 Ploughshares, Prairie Schooner, Fourth Genre, Sou’wester and 美国闪电小说 (即将到来的2023). She’s been awarded fellowships and scholarships to Vermont Studio Center, Hedgebrook, 面包面包作家大会. A Montana native, she currently lives in western Pennsylvania. The Widow’s Guide to Edible Mushrooms 她的处女作是小说集吗 Wings & Other Things 是第二次,都是53号出版社的吗.


4:00 p.m. Faculty Readings


简Alberdeston的 work has been published in various anthologies and journals, such as 走进一个世界, 浏览网页, 帕特森文学评论, Sargasso: A Journal of Caribbean Literature, 《阿森托斯评论, 岩石与弹弓:目击者日记, Manteca! 非洲波里库瓦诗人选集, and Caribbean Vistas. 她是青少年小说《奇卡斯姐妹》和小说《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》的合著者,小说将于2023年12月出版. 她是最靠谱的网赌软件创意写作助理教授. 







Marianne Chan grew up in Stuttgart, Germany, and Lansing, Michigan. 在她得了B之后.A. in English from Michigan State University, she went on to study poetry at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 她是在哪里获得文学硕士学位的. 

玛丽安是 All Heathens, which was the winner of the 2021 GLCA New Writers Award in Poetry, 2021年俄亥俄州诗歌图书奖, 以及2022年亚裔美国人研究协会杰出成就奖. Her poems have appeared in Poetry Magazine, 新英格兰评论, Kenyon Review, 密歇根季刊, and elsewhere. Between 2017-2019, she served as poetry editor for Split Lip Magazine. 她是昆迪曼人.

她住在弗吉尼亚州的诺福克 . 她嫁给了那位小说作家 克兰西McGilligan. 



7:00 p.m. Brian Turner


Brian Turner is the author of five collections of poetry, most recently: 野生动物的野性乐趣 (2023), 告别世界诗 (2023), and 死亡农民手册 (2023), all forthcoming with Alice James Books. 他的其他系列包括Here, 子弹对幻影噪音, and the memoir My Life as a Foreign Country. 他是《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》的编辑,也是《最靠谱的网赌软件》选集的联合编辑. A musician, 他还与星际声学团队合作编写并录制了几张专辑, including 11 11 (Me Smiling) and The Retro Legion’s American Undertow. His poems and essays have been published in 《最靠谱的网赌软件》, The Guardian, 国家地理, Harper’s, 在其他优秀期刊中, 他还出演了纪录片《最靠谱的网赌软件》, which was nominated for an Academy Award. 古根海姆研究员, he has received a USA Hillcrest Fellowship in Literature, 艾米·洛厄尔旅行奖学金, the Poets’ Prize, and a Fellowship from the Lannan Foundation. 他和他的狗狗Dene住在佛罗里达州的奥兰多,这是世界上最可爱的金毛猎犬.

12:00 p.m. D.彼得·舒尔曼(Peter Schulman)


D. is the author of three acclaimed books of poetry: 这是一种很好的方法 (时间过得不对) in 2010; in 2014 she published D 'une main sauvage (野蛮之手),曾入围2015年埃米尔·内利根奖(Emile Nelligan Prize)的决赛,并在2016年三河国际诗歌节上获得了让·拉弗伦奖(Jean lafreni). Les dennier coureurs (The Last Runners),并于2019年入围著名的图书馆奖(Prix des Libraires). All three volumes were published by Les Editions de l’Ecrou. In 2019, she published a children’s book, Perruche (Parakeet) at 梯队法院. 她在当代魁北克诗坛非常活跃,这是她最早的一首诗。”Vous êtes tous des petits garçons qui rêvez de lilas en fleurs” (“You are all little boys who dream of flowery lilacs)于2009年在蒙特利尔由剧院公司Thêatre de Quatre Sous演出.

6:00 p.m. Peter Weller



Dr. Peter Weller is a noted actor, director and Italian Renaissance art historian. He is most known as the star of the iconic films Robocop (1987) and Robocop 2 (1990), 《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》 (1984), and Naked Lunch (1991). His more recent appearances (roles and guest roles) include, 《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》 (2013),电视剧 Dexter (2010) and 24 (2006). Dr. 韦勒也是一位广受好评的导演,导演了许多集 Sons of Anarchy (2011-2014), Longmire (2012-2017),以及最近的一次 Hawaii Five-O (2013-2019). 除了他在戏剧、电影和电视领域的长期而成功的职业生涯外. 韦勒是一位艺术史学家. 他在加州大学洛杉矶分校获得艺术史博士学位,专攻意大利文艺复兴时期的艺术. 他是一篇关于意大利文艺复兴时期雕塑家多纳泰罗的重要同行评议文章的作者(《最靠谱的网赌软件》) David 在二十一世纪,” 2012), 以及一篇关于意大利文艺复兴时期画家安东内洛·达·墨西拿的论文(1986年) 近代早期欧洲和西班牙美洲的感官痛苦和情感痛苦的视觉化, Brill, 2018).

7:30 p.m. From Naro Video at ODU Libraries: THE NEW AGE (1994) with Peter Weller

12:00 p.m. 迈克尔·帕特里克·皮尔森


迈克尔·帕特里克·皮尔森, 多年来一直在最靠谱的网赌软件担任创意写作和文学教授, has published essays and reviews in The Boston Globe, 亚特兰大日报和宪法, 《最靠谱的网赌软件》, 华盛顿邮报, 南方文学杂志, Shenandoah Review, Chautauqua, The Morning News, 创造性的非小说, 《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》, and others.  他是许多书的作者,其中包括《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》(1991年-纽约时报著名书籍), Dreaming of Columbus: A Boyhood in the Bronx (1999),《最靠谱的网赌软件》(2008年——讲述了两次乘船环游世界的故事), 阅读人生——论书, Memory, and Travel (2015), 以及《最靠谱的网赌软件》(2003)——这是一部成人小说,虚构了马克·吐温的隐秘生活和托马斯·布兰肯希普(现实版哈克·费恩)的日记。.  His new book, 《通往邓甘农之路 (2023), is a narrative about his maternal grandfather, 爱尔兰历史和文学, and the writer's travels around the island.  Willie Morris, 哈珀杂志的前编辑, said, "Michael Pearson is one of our nation's finest memoirists."

4:00 p.m. Alumni Readings

阿曼达·加尔文·黄恩 (she/her) is a Xicana writer and educator from Texas. 她写了一本小册子, Songs of Brujería (Big Lucks September 2019) and Co-Editor of 色彩:诗人的创作之道:变革诗学论文集 (《操作系统2019》). 她的处女作诗集, 我的脐带埋在哪里, is forthcoming in March 2023 with Sundress Publications. Amanda has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best New Poets, and Sundress Publications’ Best of the Net. She was a 2016 AWP Intro Journal Project Award Winner, 2018年最佳网络赢家, a finalist for the 2015 Gloria Anzaldúa Poetry Prize, and a finalist for the 2017 Poetry Society of America Chapbook Fellowship. Her poetry can be read in print and online journals such as 海登的渡轮评论, Puerto del Sol, 南安普敦评论, and others. 

Amanda earned her MFA in Poetry at 最靠谱的网赌软件, BA in English at the University of Texas at Arlington, and BA in Biology at the University of Texas at Dallas. 目前,她是夏威夷大学(网址:Mānoa)英语专业的博士生.




Richard Leise writes and teaches outside Ithaca, NY.  A Perry Morgan Fellow from 最靠谱的网赌软件’s MFA program, his fiction and poetry is featured in numerous publications.  His debut novel, Being Dead, will be available from Brigids Gate Press fall, 2023.

Bob Kunzinger is a non-fiction writer whose work has appeared in the 南方人文评论, WW2 History, 高等教育编年史, 圣安东尼信使, Ilanot Review, Kestrel, 华盛顿邮报 and many others. He has authored ten books of essays including Penance, 在布拉格仍然很受欢迎 Borderline Crazy,其中包括几篇被美国最佳随笔收录的随笔. His next book is the narrative memoir, The Iron Scar: A Father and Son in Siberia, from Madville Publishing, who did his previous collection of essays, 第三名:自然笔记.



Tracy Rice Weber  是一名长期的教育家,目前在纽波特纽斯的克里斯托弗·纽波特大学兼职教学, VA and at The Muse Writing Center in Norfolk. 毕业于ODU MFA项目, 她的作品可以在River River中找到, 班加罗尔评论, on Poets.org as a recipient of the Academy of American Poets College Poetry Prize, and forthcoming in the 2024 winter/spring issue of CALYX. 2021年,她的小册子《最靠谱的网赌软件》由终点线出版社出版. Tools & 她的第一部长篇诗集《最靠谱的网赌软件》将由圣. 朱利安·普莱斯,2023年秋天. She lives with her husband and two of her three sons in Hampton, VA.

范Vaneendenburg served as an analyst during her 30-plus-year naval career, 作为船长退休, and holds a master’s from the University of Southern California. 她是首任总统.C.R.Y. Fellow in Literature (Scry Creative Residencies; scrymagazine.com),也是弗吉尼亚创意艺术中心的国家艺术基金会退伍军人研究员.  毕业于ODU MFA项目, Van’s work has appeared  in Navy Blues, 这是一本个人文集,反对后越南海军的个人和官僚身份, and Sisters in Arms: Lessons We’ve Learned (2023). 

7:00 p.m. S.A. Cosby

S. A. Cosby is an Anthony Award-winning writer from Southeastern Virginia. 他是……的作者 New York Times bestsellers 所有罪人都在流血, Razorblade Tears, and Blacktop Wasteland, which won the 洛杉矶时报 获得图书奖 New York Times Notable Book, and was named a best book of the year by NPR最靠谱的网赌软件,卫报, and Library Journal, among others. When not writing, he is an avid hiker and chess player.


7:00 p.m. 安德鲁·约瑟夫·怀特

安德鲁·约瑟夫·怀特 是同性恋,变性人, New York Times 弗吉尼亚的畅销书作家, 他在那里长大爱上了怪物并希望自己也能成为怪物. 他于2022年获得乔治梅森大学创意写作硕士学位. 去安德鲁·约瑟夫·怀特找他.或在Twitter上@AJWhiteAuthor.

4 p.m.、开幕酒会

The Green Onion Restaurant, 1603 Colley Avenue


12:00 p.m. Chauna Craig & Jerri Dickseski奖颁奖典礼

Chauna Craig 她的故事和散文发表在许多选集和文学期刊上,包括 Ploughshares, Prairie Schooner, Fourth Genre, Sou’wester and 美国闪电小说 (即将到来的2023). She’s been awarded fellowships and scholarships to Vermont Studio Center, Hedgebrook, 面包面包作家大会. A Montana native, she currently lives in western Pennsylvania. The Widow’s Guide to Edible Mushrooms 她的处女作是小说集吗 Wings & Other Things 是第二次,都是53号出版社的吗.


4:00 p.m. Faculty Readings


简Alberdeston的 work has been published in various anthologies and journals, such as 走进一个世界, 浏览网页, 帕特森文学评论, Sargasso: A Journal of Caribbean Literature, 《阿森托斯评论, 岩石与弹弓:目击者日记, Manteca! 非洲波里库瓦诗人选集, and Caribbean Vistas. 她是青少年小说《奇卡斯姐妹》和小说《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》的合著者,小说将于2023年12月出版. 她是最靠谱的网赌软件创意写作助理教授. 







Marianne Chan grew up in Stuttgart, Germany, and Lansing, Michigan. 在她得了B之后.A. in English from Michigan State University, she went on to study poetry at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 她是在哪里获得文学硕士学位的. 

玛丽安是 All Heathens, which was the winner of the 2021 GLCA New Writers Award in Poetry, 2021年俄亥俄州诗歌图书奖, 以及2022年亚裔美国人研究协会杰出成就奖. Her poems have appeared in Poetry Magazine, 新英格兰评论, Kenyon Review, 密歇根季刊, and elsewhere. Between 2017-2019, she served as poetry editor for Split Lip Magazine. 她是昆迪曼人.

她住在弗吉尼亚州的诺福克 . 她嫁给了那位小说作家 克兰西McGilligan. 



7:00 p.m. Brian Turner


Brian Turner is the author of five collections of poetry, most recently: 野生动物的野性乐趣 (2023), 告别世界诗 (2023), and 死亡农民手册 (2023), all forthcoming with Alice James Books. 他的其他系列包括Here, 子弹对幻影噪音, and the memoir My Life as a Foreign Country. 他是《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》的编辑,也是《最靠谱的网赌软件》选集的联合编辑. A musician, 他还与星际声学团队合作编写并录制了几张专辑, including 11 11 (Me Smiling) and The Retro Legion’s American Undertow. His poems and essays have been published in 《最靠谱的网赌软件》, The Guardian, 国家地理, Harper’s, 在其他优秀期刊中, 他还出演了纪录片《最靠谱的网赌软件》, which was nominated for an Academy Award. 古根海姆研究员, he has received a USA Hillcrest Fellowship in Literature, 艾米·洛厄尔旅行奖学金, the Poets’ Prize, and a Fellowship from the Lannan Foundation. 他和他的狗狗Dene住在佛罗里达州的奥兰多,这是世界上最可爱的金毛猎犬.

12:00 p.m. D.彼得·舒尔曼(Peter Schulman)


D. is the author of three acclaimed books of poetry: 这是一种很好的方法 (时间过得不对) in 2010; in 2014 she published D 'une main sauvage (野蛮之手),曾入围2015年埃米尔·内利根奖(Emile Nelligan Prize)的决赛,并在2016年三河国际诗歌节上获得了让·拉弗伦奖(Jean lafreni). Les dennier coureurs (The Last Runners),并于2019年入围著名的图书馆奖(Prix des Libraires). All three volumes were published by Les Editions de l’Ecrou. In 2019, she published a children’s book, Perruche (Parakeet) at 梯队法院. 她在当代魁北克诗坛非常活跃,这是她最早的一首诗。”Vous êtes tous des petits garçons qui rêvez de lilas en fleurs” (“You are all little boys who dream of flowery lilacs)于2009年在蒙特利尔由剧院公司Thêatre de Quatre Sous演出.

6:00 p.m. Peter Weller



Dr. Peter Weller is a noted actor, director and Italian Renaissance art historian. He is most known as the star of the iconic films Robocop (1987) and Robocop 2 (1990), 《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》 (1984), and Naked Lunch (1991). His more recent appearances (roles and guest roles) include, 《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》 (2013),电视剧 Dexter (2010) and 24 (2006). Dr. 韦勒也是一位广受好评的导演,导演了许多集 Sons of Anarchy (2011-2014), Longmire (2012-2017),以及最近的一次 Hawaii Five-O (2013-2019). 除了他在戏剧、电影和电视领域的长期而成功的职业生涯外. 韦勒是一位艺术史学家. 他在加州大学洛杉矶分校获得艺术史博士学位,专攻意大利文艺复兴时期的艺术. 他是一篇关于意大利文艺复兴时期雕塑家多纳泰罗的重要同行评议文章的作者(《最靠谱的网赌软件》) David 在二十一世纪,” 2012), 以及一篇关于意大利文艺复兴时期画家安东内洛·达·墨西拿的论文(1986年) 近代早期欧洲和西班牙美洲的感官痛苦和情感痛苦的视觉化, Brill, 2018).

7:30 p.m. From Naro Video at ODU Libraries: THE NEW AGE (1994) with Peter Weller

12:00 p.m. 迈克尔·帕特里克·皮尔森


迈克尔·帕特里克·皮尔森, 多年来一直在最靠谱的网赌软件担任创意写作和文学教授, has published essays and reviews in The Boston Globe, 亚特兰大日报和宪法, 《最靠谱的网赌软件》, 华盛顿邮报, 南方文学杂志, Shenandoah Review, Chautauqua, The Morning News, 创造性的非小说, 《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》, and others.  他是许多书的作者,其中包括《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》(1991年-纽约时报著名书籍), Dreaming of Columbus: A Boyhood in the Bronx (1999),《最靠谱的网赌软件》(2008年——讲述了两次乘船环游世界的故事), 阅读人生——论书, Memory, and Travel (2015), 以及《最靠谱的网赌软件》(2003)——这是一部成人小说,虚构了马克·吐温的隐秘生活和托马斯·布兰肯希普(现实版哈克·费恩)的日记。.  His new book, 《通往邓甘农之路 (2023), is a narrative about his maternal grandfather, 爱尔兰历史和文学, and the writer's travels around the island.  Willie Morris, 哈珀杂志的前编辑, said, "Michael Pearson is one of our nation's finest memoirists."

4:00 p.m. Alumni Readings

阿曼达·加尔文·黄恩 (she/her) is a Xicana writer and educator from Texas. 她写了一本小册子, Songs of Brujería (Big Lucks September 2019) and Co-Editor of 色彩:诗人的创作之道:变革诗学论文集 (《操作系统2019》). 她的处女作诗集, 我的脐带埋在哪里, is forthcoming in March 2023 with Sundress Publications. Amanda has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best New Poets, and Sundress Publications’ Best of the Net. She was a 2016 AWP Intro Journal Project Award Winner, 2018年最佳网络赢家, a finalist for the 2015 Gloria Anzaldúa Poetry Prize, and a finalist for the 2017 Poetry Society of America Chapbook Fellowship. Her poetry can be read in print and online journals such as 海登的渡轮评论, Puerto del Sol, 南安普敦评论, and others. 

Amanda earned her MFA in Poetry at 最靠谱的网赌软件, BA in English at the University of Texas at Arlington, and BA in Biology at the University of Texas at Dallas. 目前,她是夏威夷大学(网址:Mānoa)英语专业的博士生.




Richard Leise writes and teaches outside Ithaca, NY.  A Perry Morgan Fellow from 最靠谱的网赌软件’s MFA program, his fiction and poetry is featured in numerous publications.  His debut novel, Being Dead, will be available from Brigids Gate Press fall, 2023.

Bob Kunzinger is a non-fiction writer whose work has appeared in the 南方人文评论, WW2 History, 高等教育编年史, 圣安东尼信使, Ilanot Review, Kestrel, 华盛顿邮报 and many others. He has authored ten books of essays including Penance, 在布拉格仍然很受欢迎 Borderline Crazy,其中包括几篇被美国最佳随笔收录的随笔. His next book is the narrative memoir, The Iron Scar: A Father and Son in Siberia, from Madville Publishing, who did his previous collection of essays, 第三名:自然笔记.



Tracy Rice Weber  是一名长期的教育家,目前在纽波特纽斯的克里斯托弗·纽波特大学兼职教学, VA and at The Muse Writing Center in Norfolk. 毕业于ODU MFA项目, 她的作品可以在River River中找到, 班加罗尔评论, on Poets.org as a recipient of the Academy of American Poets College Poetry Prize, and forthcoming in the 2024 winter/spring issue of CALYX. 2021年,她的小册子《最靠谱的网赌软件》由终点线出版社出版. Tools & 她的第一部长篇诗集《最靠谱的网赌软件》将由圣. 朱利安·普莱斯,2023年秋天. She lives with her husband and two of her three sons in Hampton, VA.

范Vaneendenburg served as an analyst during her 30-plus-year naval career, 作为船长退休, and holds a master’s from the University of Southern California. 她是首任总统.C.R.Y. Fellow in Literature (Scry Creative Residencies; scrymagazine.com),也是弗吉尼亚创意艺术中心的国家艺术基金会退伍军人研究员.  毕业于ODU MFA项目, Van’s work has appeared  in Navy Blues, 这是一本个人文集,反对后越南海军的个人和官僚身份, and Sisters in Arms: Lessons We’ve Learned (2023). 

7:00 p.m. S.A. Cosby

S. A. Cosby is an Anthony Award-winning writer from Southeastern Virginia. 他是……的作者 New York Times bestsellers 所有罪人都在流血, Razorblade Tears, and Blacktop Wasteland, which won the 洛杉矶时报 获得图书奖 New York Times Notable Book, and was named a best book of the year by NPR最靠谱的网赌软件,卫报, and Library Journal, among others. When not writing, he is an avid hiker and chess player.


7:00 p.m. 安德鲁·约瑟夫·怀特

安德鲁·约瑟夫·怀特 是同性恋,变性人, New York Times 弗吉尼亚的畅销书作家, 他在那里长大爱上了怪物并希望自己也能成为怪物. 他于2022年获得乔治梅森大学创意写作硕士学位. 去安德鲁·约瑟夫·怀特找他.或在Twitter上@AJWhiteAuthor.

All events are free and open to the community!


了解更多信息, 请联系最靠谱的网赌软件英语系(757)683 -3991或电子邮件 mfagpdassistant@pulounge.com.

Follow the 文学节 on Facebook @ODULitFest and on Instagram @olddominionmfa

Special Thanks

  • 总裁Brian Hemphill博士.D. 以及总统办公室
  • 卡伦·斯特朗博士.D, Sarah Glaser和Arts@ODU
  • Michael Khandelwal and The Muse Writers Center
  • 伊迪丝怀特和福雷斯特P. White Endowment
  • Kris King and the Naro Expanded Video Collection
  • 莎拉·皮什科和王子书店
  • Dean Dr. Laura Delbrugge and the Office of the Dean, College of Arts and Letters
  • SuperCompStudios,标志设计
  • 艾琳多尔蒂和埃莉诺的诺福克
  • Jerri Dickseski
  • Kenneth FitzGerald,平面设计
  • Dr. Anne H. Muraoka and the Institute for the Humanities


