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Virtual ODU 暑期艺术系列 Announces 事件 for July and 8月ust


The inaugural Virtual ODU 暑期艺术系列 resumed on July 16 with "信s from Quarantine: Storytelling Through Calligraphy and a Live Demonstration" featuring Christen Turney.

本系列由艺术@ODU赞助, Community参与办公室, 以及艺术与文学学院.

Turney shared how a worldwide community of 150 calligraphy artists is connecting during the pandemic. She also demonstrated how to scribe a calligraphy envelope in elegant, traditional Copperplate script using a pen nib dipped in ink and how to achieve a calligraphy look with items you have at home, aiming to inspire participants to send a handwritten word of encouragement to someone they care about.

Turney is a penwoman and calligraphy teacher in Norfolk as well as ODU's marketing and advertising coordinator. She enjoys sharing calligraphy and handwriting with her local community group, 潮水抄写员, 及以后. 作为她小生意的老板, Allocco设计, Turney specializes in traditional calligraphy scripts and custom commissions. 她也是书法播客的联合主持人, 它为书法家提供了一个讨论的论坛, 在他们的艺术中分享和成长,同时培养Community.


闭幕:希瑟·布莱恩特的艺术展览, 西尔维绿色, 曼Mourao, Christina Lorena Weisner

当: 4 p.m. 七月二十一日(rsvp 7月20日到期)

"(en)closure" features the work of four artists exploring the concept of being caught, trapped or enclosed in particular ways -what artist Betty Gowans calls the "personal subjugation of isolation" -to make meaning of recent events.

在过去十年里, Bryant has worked in sketchbooks as a daily ritual to investigate thematic content, explore materials and therapeutically digest stimuli from the outside world. The enclosed environment of the sketchbook helped her to process thoughts about the ideas of closeness and connection (or lack thereof) during the pandemic.

Green will demonstrate finding closure from a bad break-up through the assemblage, 在一个鱼缸和一个鸟笼里, 前男友送的小礼物. 她的目的是传达圈地的主题, both in their structure and as part of Green's self-imposed enclosure in an unhealthy relationship.

Mourão will address the systems that alienate us from social injustice and exploitation through an assemblage sculpture and mixed-media painting and collage. 她的作品将讲述COVID-19病毒的故事, 美国黑人最近被警察谋杀了, the demonstrations occasioned by the murder of George Floyd and other images to allude to tensions in our society.

Weisner's sculptural work references geological lines drawn from the artist's home in the Outer Banks to other intertidal zones. By soliciting samples of sand from around the world and collaboratively creating works of art, 她希望在景观之间建立新的联系, the individual and the public during the pandemic when geographical lines are often used as racial and economic divides.


当: 4 p.m. 七月二十七日(rsvp 7月25日到期)

彼得·舒尔曼, 世界语言和文化教授, will talk with former Radio Canada reporter and Quebecois author Mélanie Loisel about her globetrotting project to preserve the memories of those who lived through the 20th-century's most significant events in her book "From the Shoah to Syria: Those Who Lived The Century." They will also discuss her latest book on Marly Fontaine and her fight for justice and truth on a reservation in Northern Quebec. She will read passages from her books in French (with English translation) and discuss the imperatives of keeping memories alive from one generation to the next.

Resilient Stillness: A Theatre Workshop about Stillness and Togetherness

当: 4 p.m. 七月三十日(rsvp due July 28; guests can register as an attendee or participant)

《最靠谱的网赌软件》由布兰妮·哈里斯主演, who teaches Acting One and The Theatre Experience in the Department of Communication and Theatre 艺术.The presentation blends each participant's physical embodiment of embracing the theme of "stillness" during this pandemic. Community参与者从青年到成人, 很少或没有表演经验, 被邀请参加. 这个工作坊是一个有指导的探索, inspiring all participants and attendees to look at stillness as more than confinement or a method of hiding, but as an opportunity to ground and encourage ourselves in the basic gifts of the current time.

Music of the Mayflower: Reconstructing and Performing Communal Music During a Time of Physical Isolation

时间:下午4点.m. 8月. 6 (rsvp 由于8月. 4)

Using original prints of the music that passengers on the Mayflower brought with them, 他们会知道的音乐, 还有关于水手的音乐, this presentation demonstrates the resilience of individuals - not only those who braved the voyage across the Atlantic, 还有现在的音乐家, 在这段因COVID-19而保持身体距离的独特时期, 继续寻找与远近的人联系的方法. 这个虚拟音乐会呈现的音乐独奏的声音, 声乐四方, and voice with lute and brings together professional musicians and educators from across the US who, 由于新冠肺炎疫情的限制, have used technology to rehearse and record their parts from their homes. 它是由音乐讲师比安卡·霍尔制作的.




Professor Jody Sommerfeldt’s class helped a Chesapeake school switch to remote learning. (更多)



Sydney Fletcher is the lone female on the snare line in ODU’s Marching Monarch Band. (更多)


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大学, 远程教育的长期领导者, offers more than 110 degrees that can be partially or wholly completed online. (更多)



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