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Construction of Owens House, Chemistry Building Nearing Completion

作者:Harry Minium

最靠谱的网赌软件和W.M. Jordan Company officials say two major projects designed to expand and improve STEM-H education at the University are expected to open in the 2020-21 school year.

新的75美元.6 million new Chemistry Building should begin hosting classes, labs and cutting-edge research in in the spring semester.

W.M. Jordan is also working to complete the $62 million 雨果•欧文斯 House residential facility, 哪一个会在165号楼里增加470张床位,000平方英尺, 第49街的一栋五层楼. 预计将在秋季学期开放.

The new facilities are part of an effort by state and ODU officials to create more graduates to fill thousands of jobs expected to open over the next decade for those majoring in STEM-H - science, 技术, 工程, 数学和健康科学.

Owens House is a short walk from the Chemistry Building and other science and 技术 facilities, and most students who live there will major in STEM-H.

以民权偶像Dr. 雨果•欧文斯, ODU的第一位非洲裔校长, Owens House will be the second-largest residential facility on campus and will contain facilities designed to help students study, work on projects and even take classes in their residential hall.

它将有教室, 项目的房间, 网络安全实验室, 学习共享区, 小组自习室, 一间教员办公室和一间大, 多用途活动室.

111年,000平方英尺, four-story Chemistry Building is located just beyond center field from the Bud Metheny Baseball Complex.

The Chemistry Building will provide ODU students and faculty with the newest and one of the most comprehensive chemistry facilities in Virginia, including larger chemistry labs and far more space for research that will allow for more collaboration between students and faculty.

Previously, chemistry classes have been spread across campus. 一旦新大楼开放, 所有6,000 students who take at least one chemistry class will be taught in one building.

"This beautiful new building will be a game-changer for any ODU student who takes chemistry courses,盖尔说。. Dodge, dean of the 理学院 and a professor of physics. "The facilities for undergraduate and graduate education, 包括RESEARCH, 绝对是最先进的."

约翰•库珀, 谁是化学系的主任, said the new facility will help ODU attract even more high-quality students and faculty.

该设施将拥有尖端技术, including a 400MHz and 600MHz nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, an atomic force microscope and a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer.

数字影院/天文馆, which replaces the current planetarium at the old Alfriend Chemistry Building, 会有一个49英尺高的圆顶,有122个座位吗.

It will double as a lecture hall and will be capable of projecting 3-D proteins and molecules during lectures. It will also have live-streaming facilities that can show video in 4K.

A success center on the first floor will allow students to interact with faculty throughout the day.

"The learning activities that the first floor will support are currently spread out across campus in more than 30 locations, 这对新生来说是一个巨大的障碍吗,库珀说.

“通过将这些设施(放在同一楼层), faculty and graduate teaching assistants will realize a significant synergy with regards to time and resources."

The upper three floors will contain labs with an open concept that will allow undergraduates and graduate students to collaborate and take advantage of the most modern amenities, including epoxy resin laboratory surfaces that can withstand heavy chemical use.

"Perhaps the proudest accomplishment with the new Chemistry Building is the extraordinary efforts we have taken to finally make chemistry and biochemistry accessible to students with disabilities,库珀说.

“与建筑师合作, 我们不仅有一栋符合《最靠谱的网赌软件》的建筑, but ADA features have been designed to accommodate disabled students' top request: the ability to perform like any other student without continually asking for special assistance."



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